So what do you do when the first day of spring came and went and there is still this much snow? Dig out the pit and make fire!!! Notice the lovely bence seating we have!
Got to be comfortable
I'm coming to get you Grandma |
Love you |
The best!
Marshmallows in the winter pit, eat them quick.
and then there is the issue of having so much snow that it goes up and over our fence, now allowing Wilson access to not 1 but 5 yards in total! and for some reason the pic of this will not load for me.

Cheers, we are now smokey and our eyes are burning!

When bored, build a cake in front of the house, it has people looking and thinking, yup the winter has been waaaay too long at that house
and that my friends is how it still looks on March 28th 2014, we are expecting more snow later on.
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